Source code for searx.engines.google_news

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# lint: pylint
"""This is the implementation of the Google News engine.

Google News has a different region handling compared to Google WEB.

- the ``ceid`` argument has to be set (:py:obj:`ceid_list`)
- the hl_ argument has to be set correctly (and different to Google WEB)
- the gl_ argument is mandatory

If one of this argument is not set correctly, the request is redirected to
CONSENT dialog::

The google news API ignores some parameters from the common :ref:`google API`:

- num_ : the number of search results is ignored / there is no paging all
  results for a query term are in the first response.
- save_ : is ignored / Google-News results are always *SafeSearch*

.. _hl:
.. _gl:
.. _num:
.. _save:

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from urllib.parse import urlencode
import base64
from lxml import html
import babel

from searx import locales
from searx.utils import (

from import fetch_traits as _fetch_traits  # pylint: disable=unused-import
from import (
from searx.enginelib.traits import EngineTraits

    import logging

    logger: logging.Logger

traits: EngineTraits

# about
about = {
    "website": '',
    "wikidata_id": 'Q12020',
    "official_api_documentation": '',
    "use_official_api": False,
    "require_api_key": False,
    "results": 'HTML',

# engine dependent config
categories = ['news']
paging = False
time_range_support = False

# Google-News results are always *SafeSearch*. Option 'safesearch' is set to
# False here, otherwise checker will report safesearch-errors::
#  safesearch : results are identitical for safesearch=0 and safesearch=2
safesearch = True
# send_accept_language_header = True

[docs]def request(query, params): """Google-News search request""" sxng_locale = params.get('searxng_locale', 'en-US') ceid = locales.get_engine_locale(sxng_locale, traits.custom['ceid'], default='US:en') google_info = get_google_info(params, traits) google_info['subdomain'] = '' # google news has only one domain ceid_region, ceid_lang = ceid.split(':') ceid_lang, ceid_suffix = ( ceid_lang.split('-') + [ None, ] )[:2] google_info['params']['hl'] = ceid_lang if ceid_suffix and ceid_suffix not in ['Hans', 'Hant']: if ceid_region.lower() == ceid_lang: google_info['params']['hl'] = ceid_lang + '-' + ceid_region else: google_info['params']['hl'] = ceid_lang + '-' + ceid_suffix elif ceid_region.lower() != ceid_lang: if ceid_region in ['AT', 'BE', 'CH', 'IL', 'SA', 'IN', 'BD', 'PT']: google_info['params']['hl'] = ceid_lang else: google_info['params']['hl'] = ceid_lang + '-' + ceid_region google_info['params']['lr'] = 'lang_' + ceid_lang.split('-')[0] google_info['params']['gl'] = ceid_region query_url = ( 'https://' + google_info['subdomain'] + "/search?" + urlencode( { 'q': query, **google_info['params'], } ) # ceid includes a ':' character which must not be urlencoded + ('&ceid=%s' % ceid) ) params['url'] = query_url params['cookies'] = google_info['cookies'] params['headers'].update(google_info['headers']) return params
[docs]def response(resp): """Get response from google's search request""" results = [] detect_google_sorry(resp) # convert the text to dom dom = html.fromstring(resp.text) for result in eval_xpath_list(dom, '//div[@class="xrnccd"]'): # The first <a> tag in the <article> contains the link to the article # The href attribute of the <a> tag is a google internal link, we have # to decode href = eval_xpath_getindex(result, './article/a/@href', 0) href = href.split('?')[0] href = href.split('/')[-1] href = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(href + '====') href = href[href.index(b'http') :].split(b'\xd2')[0] href = href.decode() title = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './article/h3[1]')) # The pub_date is mostly a string like 'yesertday', not a real # timezone date or time. Therefore we can't use publishedDate. pub_date = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './article//time')) pub_origin = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './article//a[@data-n-tid]')) content = ' / '.join([x for x in [pub_origin, pub_date] if x]) # The image URL is located in a preceding sibling <img> tag, e.g.: # "" # These URL are long but not personalized (double checked via tor). img_src = extract_text(result.xpath('preceding-sibling::a/figure/img/@src')) results.append( { 'url': href, 'title': title, 'content': content, 'img_src': img_src, } ) # return results return results
ceid_list = [ 'AE:ar', 'AR:es-419', 'AT:de', 'AU:en', 'BD:bn', 'BE:fr', 'BE:nl', 'BG:bg', 'BR:pt-419', 'BW:en', 'CA:en', 'CA:fr', 'CH:de', 'CH:fr', 'CL:es-419', 'CN:zh-Hans', 'CO:es-419', 'CU:es-419', 'CZ:cs', 'DE:de', 'EG:ar', 'ES:es', 'ET:en', 'FR:fr', 'GB:en', 'GH:en', 'GR:el', 'HK:zh-Hant', 'HU:hu', 'ID:en', 'ID:id', 'IE:en', 'IL:en', 'IL:he', 'IN:bn', 'IN:en', 'IN:hi', 'IN:ml', 'IN:mr', 'IN:ta', 'IN:te', 'IT:it', 'JP:ja', 'KE:en', 'KR:ko', 'LB:ar', 'LT:lt', 'LV:en', 'LV:lv', 'MA:fr', 'MX:es-419', 'MY:en', 'NA:en', 'NG:en', 'NL:nl', 'NO:no', 'NZ:en', 'PE:es-419', 'PH:en', 'PK:en', 'PL:pl', 'PT:pt-150', 'RO:ro', 'RS:sr', 'RU:ru', 'SA:ar', 'SE:sv', 'SG:en', 'SI:sl', 'SK:sk', 'SN:fr', 'TH:th', 'TR:tr', 'TW:zh-Hant', 'TZ:en', 'UA:ru', 'UA:uk', 'UG:en', 'US:en', 'US:es-419', 'VE:es-419', 'VN:vi', 'ZA:en', 'ZW:en', ] """List of region/language combinations supported by Google News. Values of the ``ceid`` argument of the Google News REST API.""" _skip_values = [ 'ET:en', # english (ethiopia) 'ID:en', # english (indonesia) 'LV:en', # english (latvia) ] _ceid_locale_map = {'NO:no': 'nb-NO'} def fetch_traits(engine_traits: EngineTraits): _fetch_traits(engine_traits, add_domains=False) engine_traits.custom['ceid'] = {} for ceid in ceid_list: if ceid in _skip_values: continue region, lang = ceid.split(':') x = lang.split('-') if len(x) > 1: if x[1] not in ['Hant', 'Hans']: lang = x[0] sxng_locale = _ceid_locale_map.get(ceid, lang + '-' + region) try: locale = babel.Locale.parse(sxng_locale, sep='-') except babel.UnknownLocaleError: print("ERROR: %s -> %s is unknown by babel" % (ceid, sxng_locale)) continue engine_traits.custom['ceid'][locales.region_tag(locale)] = ceid